35 Types of Snake Plant Varieties to Grow Indoors | Best Sansevierias

Some plants, called Snake Plants, are really easy to take care of, which means you don’t have to spend a lot of time watering them or making sure they have enough light.
But they also help improve the air we breathe by cleaning it up and removing things that are bad for us. If you want to get one of these plants, here are some of the best kinds.
There’s a type of plant called Snake Plants that are easy to take care of and don’t need a lot of attention from us. They’re also called ‘Mother-in-law’s tongue’ because their leaves grow thick and straight like a tongue.
These plants can live happily, even in places with little light or where we sometimes forget to water them. What’s cool is that NASA has done research and found that these plants can even help clean up the air by removing bad stuff like formaldehyde and benzene. If you’re considering getting one of these plants, here are some of the best kinds.
Best Types of Snake Plants
1. Sansevieria trifasciata ‘Mother-in-law’s Tongue’
The most popular type of Snake Plant has really pointy, dark green leaves that grow up to 3 feet tall. It looks like the leaves are reaching for the sky! Sometimes, this plant makes pretty white or cream-coloured flowers resembling lilies. People love having this type of Snake Plant in their homes because it’s cool to look at.
2. Sansevieria trifasciata ‘Twist’
Another type of Snake Plant is called Twist because its pointy leaves look like they’re twisting around from the top. This plant can grow 2-3 feet tall and has a cool yellow border around the leaves’ edges with stripes across them. It’s really neat to see how the leaves twist and turn.
3. Sansevieria ‘Golden hahnii’
There’s a really small type of Snake Plant called Sansevieria trifasciata. Even though it’s small, it’s really cool because the leaves are dark green with a special creamy edge around them. The leaves grow really close together and look like a little round shape, which makes them perfect for a coffee table. It’s a really cute plant.
4. Sansevieria ‘Futura robusta’
Futura Robusta is a type of Snake Plant that is easy to care for. Its short and wide leaves make it look strong and sturdy. This plant is special because its leaves are silver-green and have cool, dark green stripes. It’s a really neat plant that you can enjoy without spending a lot of time caring for it.
5. Sansevieria ‘Black gold’
One of the prettiest kinds of Snake Plants is Sansevieria Black Gold. Its leaves are really cool because they’re dark green and wide. The edges of the leaves have a special yellow outline, which makes it look like the plant is glowing! It’s a beautiful plant you’ll love to have in your home.
6. Sansevieria ‘Cylindrica’
Another really neat type of Snake Plant is Cylindrica. It looks slightly like a Lucky Bamboo plant because it has long, skinny leaves sticking up in the air.
This plant can grow to be about 20-24 inches tall and likes to be in a spot where it can get some light, but not direct sunlight. It’s important to remember to water this plant regularly so that it can grow and be healthy. It’s a cool plant that will make your home look great.
7. Sansevieria ‘Laurentii’
One more really cool type of Snake Plant is Laurentii. Its leaves are dark green with a pretty yellow border around them.
The leaves also have cool stripes that go across them in a zig-zag pattern. This plant can grow to be up to 30-24 inches long! If you want to grow more of these plants, you can divide the plant and make more from the pieces. It’s a neat plant you’ll love to have in your home.
8. Sansevieria ‘Bantel’s sensation’
There’s another type of Snake Plant that’s really tall and perfect for inside your house. It’s called Bantel’s Sensation and can grow to be up to 30-32 inches tall.
This plant’s leaves are special because they’re narrow and have a little white line around the edges. This plant will make a statement in your home and look really cool in a big pot. It’s a great plant to have to make your house look amazing.
9. Sansevieria ‘Desert’
Another interesting type of Snake Plant that’s the Red Flame. Some people call it the Rhino Grass because its leaves are really pointy and resemble little rhino horns.
The leaves are also pretty red. This plant grows up towards the sky and can reach about 20-24 inches tall. It’s a really cool plant that will make your house look great.
10. Sansevieria’ Moonshine’
One more cool type of Snake Plant is called the Moonshine! This plant has leaves that are pretty silvery-green in colour, and it looks really nice in a pot. The great thing about this plant is that it doesn’t need much attention and can grow well when neglected.
So, even if you forget to water it sometimes or don’t give it too much attention, it will still be a healthy and happy plant! It’s a really great choice if you want an easy-to-care-for plant.
11. Sansevieria masoniana ‘Mason congo’
Another really cool type of Snake Plant is Mason’s Congo! Some people call it the Whale Fin or Sharkfin because its leaves look like the fins of those animals.
The leaves are a pretty dark green colour with light green spots. This plant is a succulent, which means that it stores water in its leaves and doesn’t need to be watered very often. It’s a special plant you’ll love to have in your home.
12. Sansevieria kirkii ‘Star sansevieria’
Another really popular type of Snake Plant is the Pangane. It has pretty dark green leaves with special fluorescent green patterns.
This plant is a favorite of many people who grow plants in their homes. It’s unique and will definitely make your house look even more beautiful.
13. Sansevieria gracilis
Another type of Snake Plant is the Futura Superba! It has really cool pointy leaves that are long and narrow but also kind of plump. The leaves are mostly green, but they also have rings of white-green that look really pretty.
This plant doesn’t need much sunlight to grow, so it’s perfect for indoor spaces without direct sunlight. Just make sure it’s in a spot where it can get some bright, indirect light, and it will grow really well.
14. Sansevieria fischeri
If you like to grow smaller plants, you might like the Dwarf Snake Plant! It’s a perfect plant for people who don’t have a lot of space or want to grow plants in smaller pots. This plant won’t get taller than 16 inches, so it’s easy to fit it in just about any spot in your home. In the summertime, it even blooms with clusters of pretty white flowers! It’s a really cute and special type of Snake Plant.
15. Sansevieria patens
Sansevieria Patens is a really cool plant that grows in a special way! It forms a shape that looks like a big circle made of green leaves with dark lines. It can get pretty tall, too – up to 3 feet! This plant is really easy to take care of because it doesn’t need a lot of water. And it likes to be in a spot where it can get some light, but not direct sunlight. So, if you give it just a little bit of attention, it will be a beautiful addition to your home!
16. Sansevieria canaliculate
Canaliculate is a type of snake plant originally from Madagascar. It can grow really tall, up to 3 or 4 feet! But be careful. This plant doesn’t like to go without water for too long, so it’s important to take good care of it. In the wintertime, it’s best to keep this plant inside where it’s warm and cosy.
17. Sansevieria ballyi
This type of snake plant is very small and called the Dwarf Sansevieria. It only grows up to 6 inches tall and has dark green leaves with a light green stripe on the edges. It’s important not to give it too much water because that can cause its roots to rot.
18. Sansevieria Ehrenbergii ‘Blue Sansevieria’
The Blue Sansevieria plant is not really blue, as the name suggests, but it has green leaves with a hint of copper colour. It looks different because the leaves are stacked on top of each other.
19. Sansevieria Cleopatra
This new type of snake plant is very pretty. It can grow up to 12-14 inches long. The edges of its leaves are brown and have a cool pattern of dark green. It’s still quite young compared to some of the other snake plants we’ve talked about.
20. Sansevieria Parva ‘Kenya Hyacinth’
Kenya hyacinth is a plant that grows in a circular pattern with about 6 to 12 leaves. It can grow up to 16 inches tall. In the summer, it produces pretty white flowers that smell nice, like hyacinths.
21. Sansevieria Eillensis Chahin
This kind of snake plant has long, pointy, blue-green leaves. It can grow up to 5 inches tall and has spiky flowers that can grow up to 12 inches. It doesn’t need much water to survive because it’s resistant to drought.
22. Sansevieria zeylanica ‘Ceylon Bowstring Hemp’
This type of plant stays green all year long and can grow up to 24-28 inches tall. Its leaves are dark green, stand up straight, and have small and large white spots.
23. Sansevieria Whitney
This small and cute sansevieria plant has a skin pattern resembling a snake’s skin. It grows up to 20 inches tall and has long, pointy green leaves resembling swords. Be careful when touching it, as its leaves are very sharp.
24. Sansevieria Cylindrica ‘Boncel’
This plant is a hybrid of two different kinds of Sansevieria. It has light green leaves that look like fans and dark green circles on the leaves that go from the top to the bottom.
25. Sansevieria Eilensis
This plant has pretty blue-green leaves and can grow 5-8 inches long. The leaves bend downward in a curve. When the plant is young, the edges of the leaves are reddish-brown, and the middle has a deep channel with a papery brown covering.
26. Sansevieria bacularis
This type of snake plant has long, dark green leaves with light stripes. The tips of the leaves are not sharp but soft. It can grow up to 4 to 5 feet tall and blooms with pretty flowers in the spring. To grow well, it likes to be in a warm and bright place.
27. Sansevieria burmanica
This plant comes from India and has long, narrow grass-like green leaves with lighter stripes. The leaves grow in a circular shape, like a crown. It produces a cluster of small white and green flowers that look like a little bouquet during the flowering season.
28. Sansevieria francisii
This type of plant comes from Kenya and looks like a small tree because of its shape. It has long, dark and light green leaves that stick up. The leaves can grow up to 8-12 inches tall! This plant can also produce new plants.
29. Sansevieria liberica
This plant originally came from some places in Africa. It has six long and skinny leaves that look like belts or pointed shapes. The leaves are dark green and have light green lines going across them. When you touch them, they feel like leather.
30. Sansevieria hyacinthoides
African Bowstring Hemp is a plant that grows in small groups under the shade of trees. Its leaves are medium green and have dark green lines that run diagonally across them.
31. Sansevieria longiflora
Sansevieria longiflora is a type of snake plant with long, thin, dark green leaves. The leaves have spots or lines that are a different color, and the edges can be red-brown or yellow. The leaves can grow to be very long, up to 4-5 feet.
32. Sansevieria Jade Marginata
This is a special kind of plant that is smaller than other plants of its kind. Its leaves are pretty green and yellow. The leaves come out from the centre of the plant and can grow up to 6-10 inches tall.
33. Sansevieria Whale Fin Variegated
This plant has big leaves that look like paddles. They are green with light yellow streaks. It likes to be in a place where it can get some light but not too much direct sunlight.
34. Sansevieria Coppertone
This plant has long, wavy leaves that look shiny and are a pretty copper or bronze colour. The leaves are also thick and full of water, which helps the plant survive in dry conditions. This plant can grow up to 2-4 feet long and is shaped like a small, tight circle.
35. Sansevieria Ehrenbergii ‘Banana’
This special type of snake plant grows very slowly and is small in size. Its leaves resemble little boats, a mix of grey and blue-green colours. The leaves are also very plump and round, which is why this plant is sometimes called the “Banana” plant because they look like bananas.
Step By Step Instructions to Save your Snake Plant from Root Rot
A Complete Guide to Snake Plant Care
How To Choose The Best Soil for Snake Plant
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Snake Plant Flower – How to Get Your Snake Plant To Bloom
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Final Thoughts
Here are 35 of the best snake plant species to consider for your indoor garden or to enhance any room in your home. For more tips on how to care for snake plants, be sure to explore our detailed care guide blog.
Some FAQs
Q1: How many varieties of snake plants are there?
A1:Snake plants, also known as Sansevieria, are a fascinating plant species with over 70 varieties. Whether you’re a seasoned plant enthusiast or a beginner, they make a fantastic addition to any collection, offering a rich diversity of shapes, sizes, and colours.
Q2: What is the best name for a snake plant?
A2: The snake plant (Dracaena trifasciata) is known by several names. In addition to its common name, it’s also called St. George’s sword, viper’s bowstring hemp, and for some, the cheeky “mother-in-law’s tongue.” With so many names, it’s easy to see why this plant has such a strong presence in homes worldwide.
Q3: How many types of snakes have?
A3: There are more than 3,400 species of snakes across the globe, ranging from vicious to non-venomous and including constrictors. Each species is unique but shares the same basic limbless body structure.
Q4: What variety of green snake plants are there?
A4: The Dracaena trifasciata ‘Moonshine’ variety, also known as the silver snake plant, features broad silvery-grey foliage that appears almost white when new. It’s a striking cultivar that maintains a growth pattern similar to the ‘Futura Robusta.’
Q5: Which snake plant is lucky?
A5: The Sansevieria Golden Hahnii Snake Plant, often called the Good Luck Plant, is believed to bring good fortune and positive energy into the home. Its compact, tall leaves make it an excellent choice for adding a touch of greenery to corners or smaller spaces.
Q6: What is the original name of the snake plant?
A6: Originally named Dracaena trifasciata (formerly Sansevieria trifasciata), the snake plant is a well-known houseplant with striking yellow-striped leaves. It produces small, pale green flowers that emit a light scent, further adding to its appeal.
Q7: What is the tallest snake plant variety?
A7: The Dracaena trifasciata ‘Laurentii’ is one of the tallest varieties, reaching 4–5 feet. The Dracaena cylindrical is another tall variety, growing up to 2.5 feet in a pot. Both types look striking and can add vertical interest to your plant collection.