30 Day Spring Cleaning Checklist

30 Day Spring Cleaning Checklist

Your home is your main place of spending time, so you should use this as a platform to get tips to be included in your spring cleaning checklist when it comes to clean your house. Spring cleaning checklist tips can help you clean your home effortlessly as it is crucial as you spend most of your time there. People are constantly changing with the seasons, and because of this, they tend to keep too much stuff. It will really be a big problem if you don’t do your house spring cleaning.

Use these tips to get your house clean by participating in the 30 day clean challenge:


A Full-Fledged Spring Cleaning Checklist

Day 1: Remove All the Dust

Old white lady doing spring cleaning

The first tip to do spring cleaning in your house is to remove all the dust from the objects. This is very important if you want to prevent your house from getting dirty because people who keep on dusting also keep their houses dirty. Take a vacuum cleaner and remove all the dust that’s piled up in your house. But when you vacuum up the dust, you must clean the interior of the vacuum so that you can clean out your shoe drawer properly. This is the first thing to do, which must be included in your 30 day clean challenge.

Day 2: Sort the Medicine Cabinet

Girl organizing a medicine cabinet

The second tip to be included in your spring cleaning list is to do general cleaning in your house is to get rid of all the medicine in your medicine cabinet. There’s always some medicine in the medicine cabinet that doesn’t seem to function. You have to throw out this medicine that doesn’t seem to function anymore. Just think about how you will look like without any medicine in your cabinet.

Day 3: Clean Your Shoes’ Space

Different types of shoes

The third tip to be included in your spring cleaning checklist is to clean out your shoes properly. Keep your shoes in the closet and clean them out thoroughly with a mop. Do not leave a single strand of hair on your shoes will get too dirty. Put away all the shoes that you have stored outside in the backyard.

Day 4: Get Rid of All the Trashy Things

Multicolored garbage bins

These are some of the tips to include in your cleaning list to clean your house properly. Get rid of all the trash and get rid of all the things that you don’t need in your house. These are simple tips that anyone can do to make his or her house look new and clean. These are just simple tips to do spring cleaning in your house.

Day 5: Check and Clean Your Refrigerator Properly

Day five of your spring cleaning list must be devoted to your fridge. You should first check your refrigerator in order to see if it is still working properly. You can also remove the air filter from it so that you can see if there is any dirt left on it. If you find out that your refrigerator’s filter does not have any dirt, then you can consider your fridge to be clean.

Day 6: Deep Clean All the Appliances in Your House

Organized Kitchen

Clean all the appliances in your homes such as washing machines, dishwashers, plugs, and all the other things. You have to use a scrub brush and dust rag in order to clean these appliances. If the kitchen is dirty, you have to make sure that you are working inside your refrigerator to clean all the surfaces. Your spring cleaning guide wouldn’t get complete unless you being to clean the appliances in your house.

Day 7: Clean Your Laundry Room, and Remove the Unwanted Clothes

Basket full of clothes

The next thing associated with how to spring clean your house, followed by a spring cleaning guide, is to clean the laundry room. This is a part of your house where you put your laundry, and if you do not properly clean this area, you may find it to be messy. So, you have to take extra care in this area because it is very important to clean it properly.

Day 8: Clean All Your Vehicles

Afro-American woman cleaning a car

On Day 8 of your spring cleaning checklist, you have to clean all the vehicles in your house. Don’t think when is a good time to start spring cleaning, just begin it as soon as you get time. You require to get rid of the dust and stains on your car and vehicle because this will surely make your car or vehicle look more beautiful and clean. You need to properly clean your vehicle’s because if you do not properly clean them, they may be dangerous.

Day 9: Clean All the Stuff in Your Rooms You Put as Decorative

Mirror and photo frame on wall

On day 9 of your spring cleaning checklist, clean the room or the place where you put your stuff. This is very important so that you will be able to find the things that you want to do with it. Aside from it will also save you a lot of time because you don’t have to search for all the items that you forgot. Follow the cleaning list by room appropriately, and get your cleaning done more easily.

Day 10: Clean Up the Storage Spaces & Sort Them Out

cycle and book shelf

Rather than keep on thinking about when to start spring cleaning and how to proceed it, focus on making the necessary storage space to declutter the mess in your house. When you plan to put the things in a certain place, place them in a proper place. It implies that you need to make sure that the places where you are putting things are safe. That’s why you have to make proper storage.

Day 11: Remove All the Trash from the House

cleaning the carpet with vacuum cleaner

Remove the things that you think are not necessary anymore. Instead of keeping it inside your home, try to move it. This will be better because you won’t have to do something that is bad for you. Although you think that it is useless, it still makes it less complicated. You can use your creative mind and do something with it.

Day 12: Clean Everything That Can be Cleaned Through Your Steam Cleaner

If you own a steam cleaner, it can help you in your cleaning task. Steam cleaners can help you in several ways. First, they help you to get rid of stubborn dirt and dust. Second, you can clean your oven with a hand full of water or other cleaning agents. And lastly, steam cleaners help you clean all the nooks and corners of your home, even the ones that you did not realize were dirty.

Day 13: Target Your Kitchen and Start Cleaning It

Lady Cleaning kitchen floor

For cleaning the kitchen, you can use hygiene bags. This type of bag is a little bit more expensive than the other types of bags, but you can buy a bigger size that you can use throughout the year. The only disadvantage of using hygiene bags is that they are only used once or twice, and they do not last as long as the other items.

Day 14: Spread Moth Balls All Over Your House to Kill Insects

white moth balls

If you face an insect problem in your house, you can use mothballs to control the spread of the pests. The wax-coated variety can be very effective. As you clean your room, wipe the walls using the mothballs and blot it down. It may not be a significant part of your spring cleaning checklist, but it is essential to remove insects and pests from your house while cleaning it properly.

Day 15: Deeply Clean Your Kitchen Countertops

You may also want to clean your floor and countertops. Just remember that it is important to use non-corrosive cleaning products, which are best for cleaning the surfaces in your kitchen. In case you would like to clean the tiles, you can buy an inexpensive sponge cleaner that will help you with the cleaning process.

Day 16: Remove all the old magazines and papers

While following your spring cleaning checklist, you should be aware that there are items that are considered as junk by many people, and you should take care of them as they can put a negative impact on your family’s health. Make sure that you remove those old papers, magazines, and other articles, which can become toxic for your health.

Day 17: Clean Your Basement and Garage

You should always remember that your basement window frames, garage door, and your basement windows are very important because they are exposed to all the elements. Therefore, when you take care of these windows, you should also take care of your air ducts as well.

Day 18: Clean All the windows of Your House

man spring cleaning windows

Keep in mind that if there are materials like sawdust and wood chips, they should be cleaned immediately from your windows. These kinds of wastes are known to cause serious allergies and should be removed immediately. Take some vacuum cleaner or brush and scrub them gently. Take some rag and put them through the opening. Do the same with all the windows.

Day 19: Clean Your Floorboards Thoroughly

After cleaning all the windows in your house, check your floorboards too. If you find any loose nails or stains, you should replace them immediately.

In addition, you should try to detect the signs of mold on your windows and floorboards.

Day 20: Dedicate a Day to Sort Your Crockery

One of the simplest things that you can do is to sort mugs and glasses properly in the kitchen. This way, you can get out those crockeries which are broken or out of use.

This can be done with a minimum of fuss. This is one of the tips to clean your house properly.

Day 21: Get Rid of All That is Unwanted, Including Spare Furniture

It may sound stupid at first, but you literally have a lot of unused and unwanted furniture in your home that does nothing but store dust. It is also important to get rid of the unnecessary things in your house. In fact, it is a very easy thing to do. You can choose to buy new furniture in order to make your home look more beautiful. However, you must get rid of all your junk furniture in your home.

Day 22: Clean All the Coin Jars in the House

Glass full of coins

Another wonderful thing that you can do is to clean out the coin jars and other junk jars in your home. You can also do the same task using a vacuum cleaner. However, you must take note that a vacuum cleaner cannot do a very good job for you. It is not necessary that all the junk objects in your home should be removed completely. However, you must take out the unnecessary items from your home.

Day 23: Replace All the Old Glassware and Products in Your House

You must ensure while following the spring cleaning checklist that you change the glassware in your home with the new ones and replace the old ones with new ones. Moreover, you must ensure that you buy brand new furniture and other household items that you can use in your home. Therefore, you can see that the best tips to clean your house properly are very simple and easy to follow.

Day 24: Organize All the Bags Properly

The day 24 is for organizing bags at designated places. You should check the bags for the small articles which you will need to get rid of before putting them back. But some people’re still confused about this aspect. You should know the correct way to check the contents of the bags.

Day 25: Wash & Clean All Your Linens Properly

The next in the spring cleaning checklist is to clean your linens and clothes properly. You can wash the linen and dry the clothes using the household cleaners. The temperature of these cleaners should be kept at the same level. This is necessary to make sure that the disinfectants that are found in the household cleaners will not cause any harm to the clothes.

Day 26: Deep Clean Your Furniture and Rooms

The fifth tip is to protect the furniture from getting dirty. You should buy the appropriate furniture which is meant for the frequent cleaning process.

You should also buy the cleaning material that is not harmful to the furniture.

Day 27: Wash the Walls & Wipe Them Clean

spring cleaning

It is possible to purchase a deep cleaning service to do weekly deep cleaning services, but it is always better to use the services of professionals who do it every six weeks. During these deep cleaning services, professionals will spray the walls of your house with Lysol and wipe down every surface with a wipe cloth to remove any debris.

Day 28: Remove All the Dust & Grime from Your House

After a good cleaning service, it is necessary to make certain that all the dust and grime from your home are removed. During this process, it is necessary to wash the walls of your house with a clean cloth and use disinfectant soap to wash the wall to remove any build-up of dirt. It is also required to get rid of all the jewelry and other objects that may still be around your home.

Day 29: Clean & Scrub All the Outer Surfaces (Like Floor)

The last step of deep cleaning is to scrub all the surfaces of your home with a solution that is made from vinegar and water. The solution is applied to the floors, kitchen, bathrooms, bathroom, and laundry room. After cleaning your house, it is necessary to make certain that your way your house looks is smooth and clean. A strong detergent can be used to clean all the surfaces and clean them of any dirt and grime.

Day 30: Collect All the Trash & Throw It Out

The key to preventing deep cleaning stains is to use a mild and effective solution. It is also advisable to follow the same routine of cleaning every six weeks as well as to get rid of all the old pieces of clothing and anything else that you may have left lying around your house.


These ‘how to spring clean tips’ may seem hazardous once you look at them, but it’s more fun to get the job done when you go systematically. You shouldn’t think of when to start spring cleaning; you should just hit it, and get started. Don’t waste your time & energy doing things that you don’t really have to do.


Why do you need to deep clean your house?

There are lots of reasons why you need to clean your house. The house becomes dirty and dirtier from time to time; therefore, it becomes necessary to sweep, vacuum, dust, mop, and clean everything in the house.

To Say Bye-Bye to the Dust

Dust is the most common reason why people don’t clean their house. It is the thing that makes most people sick; therefore, everyone wants to keep it clean. However, in doing so, the dust will not just disappear; it will even get worse. People will feel extremely sleepy or unwell the next day.

To Get Rid of All the Germs

Another reason why you require to clean your house is because of the germs. When people sneeze or cough, the germs spread all over the house. Although it might be hard to keep your home clean, it is very important for the sake of the health of your family members.

To Let Your Furniture Live Long

Dust and dirt are the things that make the surfaces look unattractive. It doesn’t only make the room look unpleasant, but also that the whole house looks dirty and uncomfortable. For starters, you must remember that there are certain things that you need to avoid. You must avoid brushing furniture or floors with your teeth, as it can cause scratches and can result in tooth decay.

Some Aspects of Spring Cleaning

For these reasons why you need to clean your house, you can consider going online. There are several websites that help you with the cleaning of your house. These websites have wide ranges of cleaning supplies, and also, they also provide tips on how to clean your house effectively.


If you want to do it by yourself, there are several online websites that can help you. However, you may find it difficult to go through the steps if you don’t know where to start. Therefore, an apt thing to do is to find a good guide that can guide you through the cleaning process.

Follow the Respective Instructions While Cleaning Gadgets

Be careful when you read instructions that come with cleaners that contain bleach and ammonia. Do not use them to clean hard to reach places like beneath beds or under furniture. They can cause damage to these areas.

Clean Air Filters Carefully

For air filters, you must be very careful about using them to clean your house. Air filters do not only clean your house and its surfaces, but they also clean the air that you breathe. To help you with the air filters, you can look for those that come with test strips. If you find the right kind of filter, you can wash the filter using water to wash away any excess water. Then, you can place the filter in a container, and you can wash the filter in a separate container with water to remove any contaminants.

Take Extra Care While Cleaning Using Ammonia-Based Solutions

Always remember that an ammonia solution can result in damages to your eyes, especially if you wear contact lenses. When you clean your house with an ammonia solution, it is always best to wear safety goggles and gloves before and after the cleaning process.

There are many reasons why you need to clean your house. Remember that we live in a civilized society; therefore, keep everything clean and safe.
