How to Manually Open Garage Door After A Power Outage

How to Manually Open Garage Door After A Power Outage

Garage door troubles can be unexpected and frustrating. Picture this: your power goes out, or your garage door motor calls it quits just when you’re in a rush to head to work. The last thing you want is to accidentally damage your garage door while trying to get your car out. This is why it’s crucial to know how to manually open garage door.

Now, let’s talk about those stormy days. When dark clouds roll in, and the wind starts to howl, bad weather is coming.

Whether driving through heavy rain or staying cosy at home during a storm, losing power is inconvenient and means you can’t open your garage doors.

When the electricity is out, a garage door opener without a backup battery won’t work. This can leave you stuck in your driveway or inside your garage, unable to get to your car.

With the wind howling and lightning flashing, you might wonder if there’s a way to open your garage door manually.

Whatever the weather, this article is here to help you figure out how to open a garage door.

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How To Manually Open Garage Door With No Power

No need to stress if your garage door won’t budge during a power outage. Most modern garages have a nifty emergency release system that lets you manually open the door, whether you’re inside or outside.

So, if the lights go out and you need to get your car out or grab something from the garage, just follow a few simple steps to open the door without a hitch.

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How To Manually Open Garage Door From Inside

We’ve got you covered with a simple guide on how to operate your garage door safely manually in emergencies or during power outages.

Knowing these steps will help you prevent accidents and avoid any damage.

1. Check the Closed Door

Start by making sure your garage door is fully closed. It’s vital for safety.

Trying to disengage the Opener when the door opens can be risky, especially if the door’s spring is damaged. You don’t want the door to come crashing down and cause harm or damage (1).

2. Use the Emergency Release Cord

Look for a red rope hanging from the garage door trolley.

You’ll find it near the front of the door when it’s closed. Pulling this cord lets you disconnect the Opener from the garage door, allowing you to open and close it manually.

3. Manual Door Operation

Once you’ve disconnected the Trolley, you can gently open and close the garage door by hand.

It might mean a broken spring if it feels too heavy to lift. Remember, it’s not the garage door opener doing the heavy lifting; it’s the springs. If you think a spring is broken, it’s best to call a repair professional.

4. Reconnecting the Mechanism

Pull the emergency release cord toward the door gently to switch back to electric operation. This compresses the spring lever, letting the two mechanisms reconnect safely.

5. Reconnect Trolley and Opener Carriage

To fully reconnect the Trolley and opener carriage, run the garage door opener through a full cycle, ensuring it opens and closes completely.

When the Trolley and carriage pass each other, you’ll hear a click, showing they’re successfully reconnected. Now, you can use your garage door as usual.

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How To Manually Open Garage Door From Outside

Sometimes, you might face a situation where you must manually open your garage door. It’s not as complicated as it might seem.

Here’s an easy, step-by-step guide to help you do just that.

Step 1: Locate the Emergency Release Lock and Key

How To Manually Open Garage Door

Find the emergency release lock, which is usually at the top of your garage door.

Look for a key that came with it – this key is your ticket to open the door from the outside. Don’t worry if you can’t find the key; you can still open the door from the inside.

Step 2: Unlock the Emergency Release Cord and Pull It

How To Manually Open Garage Door

Insert the key into the emergency release and turn it counterclockwise. This will unlock the emergency release cord. When the cord pops out, gently pull it toward you to unlock the garage door.

Step 3: Unlock the Manual Lock and Turn the Handle Vertically

How To Manually Open Garage Door

Use the same key to unlock the manual lock. You’ll find it in the centre of your garage door, just above the handle.

Turn the key in the lock and twist the handle counterclockwise until it’s in a vertical position. You can keep the key safe or leave it in the lock.

Step 4: Lift the Garage Door Manually

How To Manually Open Garage Door

Bend down, grab the handle at the bottom of the door, and lift it manually by pulling up. Keep lifting until the door stops moving and is fully open. Be sure to open it all the way – a half-open door might fall back down.

Step 5: Close the Garage Door Behind Your Car

How To Manually Open Garage Door

After you’ve safely entered the garage, exit your vehicle and manually close the door.

You can use the same key to lock both locks. This way, you’ll be ready to reopen your garage door smoothly once the power is back.

You can also watch this video to learn to open the garage door from outside.

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Safety Tips For How To Manually Open Garage Door

Safety is the name of the game when it comes to manually opening your garage door. We’ve put together a practical guide to help you do it safely and efficiently.

1. Unplug the Garage Door Opener

Unplug the power to your garage door opener before you do anything. This prevents unexpected movements when the power comes back on, making reconnecting easier.

2. Get Expert Help When Needed 

If the garage door becomes hard to move after you disengage the Trolley, there might be a problem with the springs.

Springs are tricky and potentially dangerous to handle. It’s best to call in a professional for assistance.

3. Avoid Using the Emergency Release with an Open Door

Don’t use the emergency release if the garage door is open or partly open. It could slam shut unexpectedly. Wait for the power to come back or get help from a pro.

4. Keep an Eye on the Door

During a power outage, the garage door could close on its own, especially in windy conditions. Keep the area clean and make sure kids are at a safe distance. Try to close the door as soon as you can.

5. Use the Manual Lock

Look for a manual lock next to your garage door. When the power is out, the automatic lock won’t work. Slide the manual lock into place to keep your home secure during the outage.

6. Be Alert to Any Issues

After reconnecting the door, something may be wrong if it wobbles or moves strangely. Don’t hesitate to reach out to a professional for an inspection and any necessary repairs.

By following these simple steps, you’ll be able to manage your garage door safely in various situations, keeping yourself and your property protected.

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Leaving your garage door open in manual mode can be unsafe. If you have to leave it that way for a long time, it’s very important to close the door for your safety.

This is because keeping it open could lead to security risks and potential accidents. So, remember to close it when you’re not around to prevent any problems.

Resetting the Garage Door Opener

How To Manually Open Garage Door

Step 1: Reconnect the Garage Door Opener

Once the power is back, you’ll need to reconnect your garage door opener, whether you manually opened the door from inside or outside. Your garage door will be in manual mode after a power outage.

Step 2: Use a Broomstick to Activate the Release Lever

Locate the emergency release cord on the ceiling track of your garage door.

To exit manual mode, grab a broomstick or a ladder to push the cord’s base upward until it clicks (2). You can also pull the cord vertically, but it might be a bit more challenging.

Step 3: Plug in the Garage Door Opener

If you unplugged your garage door opener because you manually operated it from the inside, plug it back in.

Then, press the garage door opener button on your remote control to reset the system. The garage door opener might take about 30 seconds to fully reboot.

Be sure to test the system by opening and closing your garage door a few times to ensure the Opener works smoothly. This will ensure your garage door is back to normal after a power outage.

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Getting Your Garage Door Opener Back on Track with an Automatic Trolley

How To Manually Open Garage Door

Restoring your garage door’s connection to the Opener after a power outage is easy, especially if you have an automatic trolley.

Here’s how to do it in simple terms:

Step 1: Check that the Door Is Fully Closed

Before you start, make sure your garage door is shut completely. There should be no gaps at the bottom.

Step 2: Plug in the Opener

If you unplugged your automatic Opener, plug it back in. This is important for the automatic reconnection to work.

Step 3: Use the Remote

If your garage door opener has buttons for opening and closing, press the “close” button. This will activate the Opener and kickstart the reconnection process.

Step 4: Watch the Reconnection Happen

Be patient and watch as the reconnection process takes place. You’ll see the chain in action, moving the Trolley into place and connecting it to the arm on the garage door.

Step 5: Test the Operation 

Once reconnection is complete, test the garage door opener by using it a few times.

This will make sure everything is back to normal after a power outage. These simple steps will help you get your garage door working smoothly again.

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Manually Reconnect Your Garage Door Opener (No Automatic Trolley Needed)

How To Manually Open Garage Door
man opens pvc garage door manually

You can still manually restore the connection when automatic reconnection isn’t an option due to the absence of an automatic trolley in your garage door opener. This method can be useful before the power is back on.

Here’s a simple guide to help you through the process:

Step 1: Ensure the Door Is Closed 

Just like you would with an automatic trolley. Start by making sure your garage door is completely closed.

Step 2: Engage the Emergency Release Cord

Pull the emergency release cord toward the garage door. Look for a switch to move into place, and listen for a reassuring click, confirming that it’s securely re-engaged.

Step 3: Connect the Arm to the Trolley

Now, manually link the arm of the garage door with the Opener’s Trolley. Lift the door by about one to two feet until you hear the satisfying click of it slotting into place.

Step 4: Test the Opener 

After successfully reestablishing the connection, plug the Opener back in and make sure it’s working correctly.

Use the remote to open the door, paying attention to any jerky movements or unusual sounds. Then, close the door again.

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How to Avoid Needing to Open a Garage Door Manually

It’s no fun when your garage door won’t open after a power outage. You might be thinking about how to manually open garage door, but there’s a better solution.

To avoid the stress, consider getting an automatic garage door opener with a backup battery.

This backup battery means your garage door will still work, even if the power is out.

And not just the door – your keypad, Opener, and safety sensors will work, too. We’re here to make sure your garage door works, no matter what.

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In conclusion, this article has equipped you with the knowledge and steps needed to navigate garage door challenges during power outages or equipment failures.

We’ve covered both interior and exterior approaches for how to manually open garage door operation, emphasizing the importance of safety and professional assistance when necessary.

Furthermore, we’ve highlighted the practical solution of installing an automatic garage door opener with a backup battery to ensure uninterrupted access in various situations.

By following these guidelines, you can confidently handle garage door issues and keep your daily routine on track.


Q: How to manually open garage door without a key?

A: To do this, you can use a sturdy tool like a flathead screwdriver or a crowbar. Carefully slide the tool between the door frame and the lock. Apply gradual pressure and leverage to release the lock without causing any damage. This can come in handy in various situations, like when you’re locked out of a room or need to access a space with a stuck lock.

Q: Can you force open a garage door?

A: Nowadays, every contemporary garage should be equipped with an emergency release kit. This system is integrated into your garage and lets you manually open the door, whether inside or outside.

Q: What can trigger a garage door to open?

A: Here’s a compilation of potential causes for your garage door unexpectedly opening:

  1. Electrical wiring short circuit.
  2. Accumulation of dirt and debris.
  3. Damage to electrical circuits.
  4. The remote control buttons are getting stuck.
  5. Interference with wireless signals.
  6. Power surges resulting from thunderstorms.
  7. The garage door became immobilized during a power outage.

Q: What makes a garage door easy to open?

A: Make sure the garage door track is in good shape and not bent or misaligned. Imagine your garage door as a finely tuned instrument. We’re not just using this as an expression – a well-lubricated garage door runs without any hiccups, preventing potential obstacles, and it greatly minimizes wear and tear on all of the door’s parts.



I hope now you know How to Manually Open a Garage Door.

Manoj Datic

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